The road to disappointment!

Fun, humor, osama bin laden, virgins
I want it! I need it! I have to have it! I am supposed to have it! I should have it! Now!
I woke up today in a world where everybody was a cloned version of myself. Where everyone looked like me, behaved like me and agreed with me, all the time. Things were always happening the way I wanted it, and people always behaved the way I expected them to!

It was fun for…. a few minutes, and then thanks God I realized I was not awake and it was just a dream!

It’s good that in the real world you can’t always get what you think you want.

Then why do we get disappointed when things are not going our way? When people are not acting as we expect them to? Is it them or is it us?

Strange but true, many of us actively cultivate disappointment, unconsciously looking for ways to feel dissatisfied, disheartened, so we can tell everyone how badly life is treating us, and ohh boy there are so many little ways to feel disappointed!

For anyone who is really trying to experience it and failed, I put up here some guaranteed ways, if you don’t get the results please feel free to get back to me and kick my butt.

Be damn sure that whatever happens around you, you should take it personally. Everything other people do is because of you. Never because of themselves!!!

• Build your dreams of happiness/fulfilment on the things that come from outside forces that you have no control over.

• Feel sorry for yourself, and always dwell on things you cannot change, and make sure you tell everyone, every time you have a chance how unfortunate and miserable life has been with you!

• Remember patience is a virtue only for dummies, make sure if you want something… You wanted NOW!

• Never ever in a gazillion years accept or love people for what they are but always try to change them to meet your expectations and needs!

• Never look at the big picture, or keep it in perspective, of course every minor disappointment is ruining your life … FOREVER!

• Always try to control people, remember you’re the boss, you’re the small tail that wags a huge dog, you’re more educated, you’re more experienced. Yeah, you’ve been around more blocks and climbed more mountains and slayed more dragons! And people should always know it!

• Base your expectations about relationships and marriage exclusively on romantic movies! And of course your expectations about sex on … porn!

It is amazing indeed how we can even spend a life time trying to change what “wasn’t the way we wanted it to be”!

It took me a long time to figure it out, and I am still learning, but life can be so much better when you have no expectations, but in the same time you burst of hope of wonderful miracles and gifts to happen to you. When you know your life is a flow, constantly changing but there is no change that can stop you or your joy. Like a river that is flowing forward with vigorous enjoyment and if it hits a rock it simply goes around it or over it or under it, but does not let the essential flow stop.

We should appreciate the flow not the rocks! Sometimes rocks are only meant to settle the right course!
tony robbins expectations

42 thoughts on “The road to disappointment!

  1. Lynette says:

    I like how listing out the ways to ensure we feel disappointment really underscore how easy yet completely ridiculous it is to do. Sometimes though, your life is so intertwined with another, like a spouse, it is hard not to be disappointed when they do not follow through with what was agreed upon.

    1. H! says:

      I suppose you are right Lynette, but is important how we handle this situations! Maybe we can learn what to ask from them and what not! 🙂

  2. Casey Clubb says:

    This is awesome! It’s easy to waste away our life being upset about the things that aren’t the way we expected, and miss out on all the joy that is in our life.

    Love this post!

  3. Michelle says:

    Huh… Funny story this very morning… My Mom left IT yesterday, I posted on FB that if anyone in San Diego (where she was headed) could give her a ring when she landed and just let me know on FB that she was there, I would very much apppreciate it. Just a simple phone call. Two people responded and helped. One, a friend I haven’t had for very long and my cousin who lives in Arizona! Talk about being disappointed! I have over 100 “friends” on there (some I have known since childhood). Not many by FB standards but I am picky. Half are from San Diego. And only 2 people responded! This cute, funny post couldn’t have come at a better time! Genius, you are! Thanks! BTW Mom made it home safe!

    1. H! says:

      Thank you very much Michelle! Well… what it matters is that you only needed one person to help! And your mom made it safe 😉

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hey Fun gal …!! Finally u found a way to get rid of disappointments.

    I don’t expect even a bit from others like-
    -In my export house 100 plus white collor executives work; though i pay them hefty amount as salary …yet i don’t expect Results and Targets from them.
    -When we dispatch 3 containers of Leather footwear and bags for women, i don’t send invoice to buyers as i don’t expect them to transfer payments in our accounts in india.
    -And, when my galfriend arrives home at 3 AM I feed her myself. I don’t expect a male of my city could make her betray me.
    -I don’t expect that my car can break down in the middle of Mexican desert, so i don’t keep spare set of wheels and tool box in car.
    -Once, while making love with my wife, i didn’t lock the bedroom door as i didn’t expect my 4 years old kid cud wake up at 4AM. When my wife
    reaches the climax she started screaming. Two minutes latter my kid appeared in our bedroom with his toy gun, he pointed the gun on my head and warned, “Dad, leave the Mom, don’t hit her again and again and again or i will shot you.”

    Yes fun girl, i don’t get disappointed bcoz i don’t expect. May God be with you. 😉

  5. ...shabab says:

    Hey Fun gal …!! Finally u found a way to get rid of disappointments.

    I don’t expect even a bit from others like-
    -In my export house 100 plus white collor executives work; though i pay them hefty amount as salary …yet i don’t expect Results and Targets from them.
    -When we dispatch 3 containers of Leather footwear and bags for women, i don’t send invoice to buyers as i don’t expect them to transfer payments in our accounts in india.
    -And, when my galfriend arrives home at 3 AM I feed her myself. I don’t expect a male of my city could make her betray me.
    -I don’t expect that my car can break down in the middle of Mexican desert, so i don’t keep spare set of wheels and tool box in car.
    -Once, while making love with my wife, i didn’t lock the bedroom door as i didn’t expect my 4 years old kid cud wake up at 4AM. When my wife
    reaches the climax she started screaming. Two minutes latter my kid appeared in our bedroom with his toy gun, he pointed the gun on my head and warned, “Dad, leave the Mom, don’t hit her again and again and again or i will shot you.”

    Yes fun girl, i don’t get disappointed bcoz i don’t expect. May God be with you. 😉

  6. Rhino House says:

    “It is not humiliating to be unhappy. Physical suffering is sometimes humiliating, but the suffering of being cannot be, it is life.”
    Albert Camus
    Extract from “Notebooks 1951-1959”

  7. Wayne says:

    Great post! There is a book that explains there are 5 love languages (Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, Physical Touch). I have been told (by my wife) that there is a sixth love language: Sarcasm and Mockery (she is well versed in the art of this language as well). I think we can (at proper times) love people by showing them how ridiculous they are, and I’m not sure if Sarcasm and Mockery can be lumped under ‘Acts of Service’ (even though it truly is). Thanks for your perspective and witty style. I enjoyed reading.

  8. Stephen Hughes says:

    Greta post and I love the picture! but the topic is alittle deeper than I thought! But there’s always positivity in anything, but it always depends how you are feeling, and how you look at it! (we all only have one life)!

  9. day3of says:

    Hi H. This was a great start for my day. Well said–in possibly the sweetest-humored sarcasm I’ve ever heard/ read. It is a challenge to always appreciate, especially for me, given my pitiful, totally unjust lot. 😉 Kidding. Anyway, I might just reblog this jewel for my own future reference. Listen, this reminds me of a scene from the movie, “Fido”. I’ve just now posted a link to it on my blog. Hope you don’t mind that I addressed “H” in the title of the post. If you like, I can edit that out. 🙂

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