40 thoughts on “You are more beautiful than you think!

  1. Lin says:

    Watching this I really felt the need to take a moment and think of all the aspects of myself that I don’t like, and I feel more grateful now! Thanks for sharing this with us 🙂

  2. takingcandyfromababy says:

    I have a love-hate relationship with this video…with the whole concept. Perhaps just having a wider diversity of what “beauty” is would have made me buy into the concept a bit more. All of these were young, white women who basically portrayed the U.S. standard and expectation of what beauty is. Taking this concept and applying it to people who aren’t “beautiful” anyway might have made a stronger argument.

    ON the other hand, it CLEARLY has impacted people since this video has been plastered all over the blog-o-sphere, Twitter and Facebook all week.

    So – yes.

    Love and hate..all bundled into one.

    thanks for sharing it.

    1. H! says:

      It is the idea that generally speaking we perceive ourselves less beautiful than we are…. that I liked… the way it was portrayed…maybe yes you’re right could have been done differently…:) Thank you!

      1. takingcandyfromababy says:

        Absolutely, too. That is the love part I have with it ❤ Definitely don't want to throw the idea out…I just think it needed some nips and tucks to get it to be a bit more relevant.

        But, again…that's just me 🙂

  3. shoe1000 says:

    Thank you for pointing out that if beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, I best be beholden!! We use the term, “Would you treat a friend like that,” and this exemplifies that if I am not loving me, I damn sure cant be loving you!
    Thanks again!!!

  4. Susan L. Greig says:

    Reblogged this on Susan's Bucket List and commented:
    This is an amazing reminder. New Bucket list item: #302. Look in the mirror for 30 days in rowsmile at myself and tell myself outloud-“You are beautiful.” Why 30 days–they say it takes 21 days to create a new habit. I cannot think of a better gift to myself. Or to the people I love. If I love myself, then I can love them just as much. Today is day 1.

  5. mothermi6 says:

    Yes. Good subject! In my mid-fifties now, I am v conscious of men’s beauty criteria – but also conscious of my own value and authenticity. Thanks for liking my last post.

  6. Martin C says:

    I am so sad about Dove…they’re doing a good marketing campaign here, but in India, they sell skin whiteners to lower-income women, telling them that they’ll get better jobs…if they’re whiter. So while this is good…overall it’s sad. 😦

  7. bklynboy59 says:

    This video came at the right time. I am going through some personal issues and I needed to see this video. I did pass it to friends of mine as well. Thank you for sharing.

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