Paradise lost, mind found!

I carry heaven in me, everyday, I wake up and my being is there, feeling the warm and the peace and the happiness, I feel that little craziness and hope, and I am open to get the world in, I am ready to smile all day, to enjoy and accept all is around, and I can swear I will hold it with me in everything I am going to do!

But ohhhh dear god, you punished us well, very well when you cast us out of heaven, you created….. the built-in alarm, yes that buzzing, never stopping noise inside us!

alarm clock trap

We call it MIND, we do, and it does wake up, every morning, a bit slow, a bit late, a bit tired from the previous round, still carrying the black eye from the punch I gave her yesterday but is more alert than ever, ready to analyze, every move calculated, scenarios ready and it only knows this world, and only its doings, cause and effect, patterns, expectations, projections, and she is always right!

My being is ready to accept there is no past or future, to accept the present, and not knowing what will follow does not even make it ….blink …. is ready to completely enjoy everything and everyone! There is no sin or sickness, no stress or strain, there is no fear, we and all that it is, IS enough, and we are perfect!

I still carry heaven in my being but I can never find the alarm stopping button in time, and nothing is enough for her, for my Mind, she wants me to be better than anyone else, she entered me in this competition with everyone and the world itself, I need to never give up , I need to be confident, outgoing, attractive, smart, responsible, emotionless, powerful and merciful, active and reflective, kind and competitive, I need to be better in bed, to be pretty, to be a heartbreaker, to be beautiful, in control, to be famous, likable, organized, popular, I need to be more than I am .. much more!

And I know at the end of the day, my mind and her best friend EGO is going to hold me responsible for not being all that, and will tell me I am useless and unimportant, and how awfully I let the world down!

But there is still hope because I know I still carry heaven in me, and I know the truth and if I look into it, I know I am and I have all I need, all the happiness, all the joy, all the peace, all the goodness is inside me, heaven is there and there is where I want to be, not where my mind is trying to take me!

mind versus soul, spirit

53 thoughts on “Paradise lost, mind found!

  1. Grace J. Kim says:

    Wow that was beautiful haha. I was captivated by your heart! Especially when you said you carry heaven in you. Whew! Not many people can say that and I see it so beautifully manifesting in your writing. It’s so funny because all those things your mind and ego tell you to be… you already are! Haha! How wonderful is that. Have a beautiful day!!!

      1. blackadam88 says:

        Because you have a beautiful/natural way of looking at personal things and telling them in an objective way. I was just trying to imagine what you do for a living – I would never have guessed business consultant.

  2. duellmedicalsupply says:

    Your thoughts are pure and heaven has opened the doors for you with your words, I am glad I have found you or maybe God himself has sent me to hear your words. May God Bless you even more

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  4. cadashworth says:

    For me your blog speaks of good choices and bad choices (good and evil if you will) and that eternal struggle where you know the good and difficult thing to do is correct but your mind justifies doing the easy thing.

  5. Randy says:

    Very positive post! It reminds me how people often judge others on appearance but God looks on the heart- the inside. Our EGO often gets in the way, taking our eyes off of reality.

  6. Iketha Williams says:

    Hello H! I love your blog. It is so true that we have to move from our head to our heart because our mind can lead us sometime in the wrong place but the heart will lead us in the right direction especially when we let GOD be in the center of our heart. You are very gifted and talented. Keep up the great work you’re doing. Be Bless, DIVA Iketha

    1. H! says:

      Wow thank you very much Diva Iketha, it melts my heart to hear people like you! Be blessed yourself and keep uplifting us with your great work!:)

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